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Showing posts with the label PCI

Subject Alernative names with Openssl

In this post we will see, how can we create CSR with SAN, which stands for Subject Alternative Names and obviously using openssl command. For those who do not know what is SAN, let me cover this in short.There are 3 main types of SSL  Standard SSL  :- Used for securing single domain. like, i,e one domain -- one certificate Wild card SSL : - Used for securing multiple sub-domains like in single certificate, i.e multiple subdomain --- single certificate Multi-domain SSL : -- Used for securing multiple domains, like,,, i,e multiple domains --- single certificate. So, SAN comes under multiple domains certificate category. When you purchase a multi-domain certificate from certificate issuing authority ,they give you options of defining SAN along with primary domain. So, Here we are discussing about how to create CSR(which is required while purchasing the certificate) with SA...