From this post, I am starting a series of posts/pages which will mostly based on caching (recently i read this blog and found out quite simple to understand about what and why we need caching) mechanism like Redis, Memcache, Apc, Varnish are the few to list. So, here on this post i am going to cover REDIS first. After reading this post, you will get to know What is Redis ? So, Redis is "no-sql" database which is used to stores data as keys. which is mainly used as database,as caching for website across the globe. NoSql means, there is no structure query l...
Started this Blog to share my experience while working on various issues of linux servers and cloud technologies. Here in this blog you can find solutions to different errors we as system admin can face during our daily work. So stay tuned. Also you can go through my start-up to buy Hosting Products like SSL, Wordpress and VPS or Linux and Windows servers at affordable prices.